Tuesday, September 8, 2015

French Night

The gathering's so joyful and i'm so glad to see all of you enjoying the food.  Also thanks very much for the preparation of wine pairing which definitely made the dinner more satisfying! Love U All<3<3

Monday, September 7, 2015

生蠔凍湯 Oyster Gélee with Braised Leek


蘇格蘭炸蛋 伴 紅菜頭陳醋藍芝士啫喱 Scotch Egg with Beet Nougat n' Vinegar Jelly

Scotch Egg係唔錯嘅party food,唔難整,酥脆外皮藏著濃郁餡料,裡面我mix左英國黑血腸同法國豬肉腸,用鵪鶉蛋唔用雞蛋,大家唔會咁快飽晒,又可以食其他嘢啦:P

慢烤豬腩肉 Slow-Roasted Pork Belly

慢烤令厚厚嘅豬腩肉變成入口溶化多汁的美食,醃都唔駛醃,落刀一切,聽到皮脆爆開「卡刷」一聲,肉汁就應聲湧出,OMG!REALLY SO NICE!肉質鬆化,非常入味!