Friday, June 28, 2013

跟Star Chef學傳統意菜:Lesson1

尋日去到西廚學院,開始左第一堂traditional italian cookery lesson。Star Chef,Michael Erlik,喺香港有間private dining,佢教我哋傳統嘅 basic italian cuisine,我好有興趣學傳統cuisine,唔同一般做法,美味程度自然唔同,仲有一樣嘢,就係可以識睇意大利餐廳嘅menu,哈X)


chef 係咪好型呢~haha

今堂我哋做handmade pasta,親自做pasta dough,再做成今堂用嘅pasta。

fresh pasta同平時喺super market買嘅dry pasta口感真係好唔同,食落仲有淡淡嘅蛋香,好有home-made嘅感覺~


其中一個dish用嘅mushroom source

登登!今堂學成呢3道美味嘅pasta ; >

Spaghetti Carbonara

Pasta Sheets in pesto source

Farfalle in creamy porcini sauce

落堂時唔知邊個同學留左舊pasta dough喺我哋枱面,又無人要喎,咁我就拎左返屋企睇下點囉,但係一舊dough又唔擺得,唯有回家後都即刻將佢整成蝴蝶粉放冰櫃睇下過幾日食啦~(不過呢舊dough無我同我partner高先生整得咁好囉,嘻!)其實嗰時都成1點,差唔多攰到屎左,都整埋呢個,真係好勤力呀自己!!哈哈~~

唔知大家想唔想睇我上堂學嘅食譜呢?我遲下會再做㗎,到時就喺blog通知大家啦,希望大家密切留意,多多捧場,些些,luv u;)


  1. Hi Mavis,
    good to know you have participated this course which I am interested too. do you think a beginner can handle the course well and does it worth?

    Don (

  2. Hi Mavis,
    good to know you have participated this course which I am interested too. do you think a beginner can handle the course well and does it worth?

    Don (

  3. Hi Don, so sorry I missed your comment here... maybe you have already taken the course:P Anyway, I do think a beginner can handle it well. I learnt lots of basic techniques in the course. you might find yourself really love or not after having some ideas of italian cusine. :)
